Navigating IRC and the Undernet
X and W commands list
Level 500 : Channel Manager
SET : syntax - /msg X,W set #channel <variable> <value> : Changes special X/W modes for channel.
NOTE : the variables AlwaysOp, UserFlags, MassDeopPro, NickFloodPro, URL and Description can be changed by someone with 450+ access on your channel.
Variables for SET
MassDeopPro : The maximum number of deops X will allow in a 15 sec period. Any user exceeding this will be DeOped and Suspended (if on the userlist).
NickFloodPro : The maximum number of nick changes that can be done in the channel in a 15 sec period. Any user exceeding this number will be kicked from the channel and suspended (if on the userlist). NOTE : The .noclones patch makes this variable obsolete, since it will not allow rapid nick changes.
FloodPro : The maximum number of KICKs, TOPIC CHANGES and such that can be sent to the channel in a 15 second period. Any user exceeding this limit will be kicked and suspended (if on the userlist).
NOTE : This does NOT work against normal channel dialogue, since X/W are +d (deaf) to all channel text.
UserFlags : Set's default user settings that will be given to a new user on the channel.
Default value is 0.
0 = AUTOOP OFF for new users
1 = AUTOOP ON for new users
NoOp : In this mode X/W will deop EVERYONE. Making them the only op in the channel. However, users may still access commands though X/W.
AlwaysOp : This variable insures that X/W will always have ops. They will op themselves if it is not given to them.
OpOnly : Make op the only chanop command available though X/W. Also, you can ONLY op yourself.
NOTE : This does NOT prevent someone with ops in the channel from exercising op commands themselves.
StrictOp : In this mode only people on the userlist may have ops. If they are on the list, they must send their password before they are allowed ops.
Lang : Changes default language for the channel.
en (english)
nl (dutch)
fr (francais)
ge (deutsch)
Description : Sets the default channel topic. This does NOT affect the actual channel topic. The topic can be see only in the chaninfo, or on the webpage.
URL : Sets the default channel URL. This can be seen from the chaninfo, or the webpage.
AutoTopic : This flag makes X or W reset the topic to the channel URL and Description every 30 minutes.
Note that if the channel is idle, the topic will not be reset during that time.
Level 450 : Trusted channel admin.
ADDCHAN : syntax - /msg X,W addchan #channel : Adds the channel to X/W's database and sets channel default modes. If you do not use this command after you join X/W to your channel they will not rejoin after a restart etc.
JOIN : syntax - /msg X,W join #channel : Tells X/W to join your channel.
PART : syntax - /msg X,W part #channel : Tells X/W to part your channel.
REMCHAN : syntax - /msg X,W remchan #channel : Removes your channel defaults from X/W's database. Useful when you want to change default modes. This is NOT the same as a purge of your channel. X/W will not rejoin unless you readdchan after this.
Level 400 : Userlist Admin
ADDUSER : syntax - /msg X,W adduser #channel <nick> [user@host] <level> [password] : Adds a user to your channel's database with the given access level and password. You can always have the user set it themselves later. Also if the person is online user@host can be left out, (X/W will look it up themselves).
CLEARMODE : syntax - /msg X,W clearmode #channel : Clears all channel modes. Useful when a channel has been locked up. (set +i or +k without your knowledge)
MODINFO : syntax - /msg X,W modinfo #channel <variable> <user> <newvalue> : Changes a user's access settings
Variables for Modinfo
Access : Changes the access level of a user, possible values are 1 - (1 level below yours). So if you are 400, you can give up to 399 access.
AutoOp : Changes autoop from ON to OFF. Autoop means that X/W will op the user when they enter the channel, provided they have logged in.
Match : Changes the user@host for a user in X/W's database. Useful if a user on your channel has changed ISP's Example : /msg X modinfo #somechannel MATCH someuser blah@blah
RemPass : Removes a users password. Yes a manager can remove his/her own password, he/she just has to be verified first. Example : /msg X,W modinfo #somechannel REMPASS someuser.
REMUSER : syntax - /msg X,W remuser #channel <nick> : Removes a user from the channel database. You must have higher access than the user you want to remove.
STATUS : syntax - /msg X,W status #channel : Displays all special X/W modes, Channel modes and the number of users in your channel. Neat huh :)
Level 100 : Channel operator
DEOP : syntax - /msg X,W deop #channel <nick1> [nick2] [nick3] .... : Deops one or more persons in you channel.
INVITE : syntax - /msg X,W invite #channel <nick> : Has X invite someone in your channel.
OP : syntax - /msg X,W op #channel <nick1> [nick2] [nick3] .... : Ops one or more persons in your channel
SUSPEND : syntax - /msg X,W suspend #channel <nick|user@host> <duration> s,m,h or d : Suspends a users access to X/W for the specified period of time. s(econds) , m(inutes), h(ours) or d(ays). You can only suspend someone with access lower than yours.
UNSUSPEND : syntax - /msg X,W unsuspend #channel <nick> : Unsuspends a user on your access list.
Level 75 : New channel operator
BAN : syntax - /msg X,W ban #channel <nick|user@host> [duration in hours] [level] [reason] : Bans a person on X/W's list for a specific number of hours. The max is 8760, 1 year. You use the person's nick if they are online. or specify a user@host if they are not. Level can be from 1 to your access level. A level 20 - 74 ban prevents the user from having ops. 75+ keeps them from being in the channel at all. You must at least have the same access level as the level of the ban to remove it.
UNBAN : syntax - /msg X,W unban #channel <nick|user@host> : Unbans a person from your channel. By nick if they are online, or by user@host if they are not, as with ban.
Level 50 : Channel regular
KICK : syntax - /msg X,W kick #channel <nick> [reason] : Tells X/W to kick somone from your channel, The reason is optional. Your name will be placed in the kick msg.
TOPIC : syntax - /msg X,W topic #channel <newtopic> : Has X/W change the topic in your channel.
Level 1 : Peon
STATUS : syntax - /msg X,W status #channel : This does the same thing as level 400 status EXCEPT, it will not report channel modes (+nt ect) to anyone with access below 400.
Level 0 : Everyone else
ACCESS : syntax - /msg X,W access #channel <nick|search string> [options] : Can look up the access for a certain person or a string. Expl : /msg X,W access #channel *!*@* , would return all GNN users with access on that channel. Also you can use these options instead of a nick or string.
Access options
-min level - show only users above the given level
-max level - show only users below the given level
-autoop - Show only users with autoop on.
-noautoop - Show only users with autoop off.
-modif - Shows who last modified the access listing
Access Flags : - output of access command
-X- USER: Blahguy- (*!*username@* ACCESS: 1 LMPU
-X- CHANNEL: #cservice -- AUTOOP: ON
M = Modified, but not saved to disk, database is autosaved every 90 minutes.
P = Has a password.
U = User is currently authenticated.
L = Loaded in memory, An access remains listed in memory for 90 minutes after you log off.
BANLIST : syntax - /msg X,W banlist #channel : Shows the channel banlist. You must be in the channel to use this command.
CHANINFO : syntax - /msg X,W chaninfo #channel : Displays whether or not a channel is registered, and to whom.
DEAUTH : syntax - /msg X,W deauth #channel : If you have sent you password already and would like to deauthenticate yourself. Use this command.
HELP : syntax - /msg X,W help [command] : Displays help file on a given command.
LBANLIST : syntax - /msg X,W lbanlist #channel <search string> : Searches X/W's banlist for a certain string. Use * to see the whole list.
LOGIN : syntax - /msg X,W login #channel - If you have no password. /msg login #channel <password> - if you do /msg login #channel <password> -for W This loads your access listing into memory and authenticates you on your channel.
Note : Exact same as pass
MAP : syntax - /msg X,W map : Shows a map of connected servers.
MOTD : syntax - /msg X,W motd : Displays X/W's message of the day.
NEWPASS : syntax - /msg or newpass #channel <password> : Sets a password on a channel for X/W. If it is X send to If it is W send to
PASS : syntax - /msg or pass #channel <password> See Login
SHOWCOMMANDS : syntax - /msg X,W showcommands #channel : Shows all commands you can use on a channel.
SHOWIGNORE : syntax - /msg X,W showignore : Shows X/W's ignore list. This is what happens when someone tries to or accidentally floods X/W. The time length is 60 minutes.
VERIFY : syntax - /msg X,W verify nick : Displays whether or not a person is an official cservice rep. If X/W answers that the person is "NOT an authenticated CSERVICE representative" please come to #cservice and ask about them.
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