Fact Sheet
- I am 5'10" and 185lbs... I have dark hair and green eyes...
- I am very appearance oriented... "Appearance is Reality"
- No hair anywhere on my body has ever been longer than an inch...
- I am the proverbial "nice guy"...
- I'm a Virgo...
- I've never hit my mother, even on accident...
- I'm a "momma's boy"...
- I'm a Combat Veteran (I even have a Purple Heart)...
- I'm 20% disabled (by the standards of the U.S. Gov't)...
- I really like the color blue...
- I hate the color yellow with a passion...
- I hate my smile, but I do it all the time...
- I gargle with Peroxide...
- I am clinically diagnosed with Violent Reactive Homophobia...
- I care what other people think of me...
- I've had 3 last names...
- My Grandmother on my Dad's side has never left Italy...
- My Grandmother on my Mom's side is Evil Incarnate...
- I hate being a spectator...
- I played 2-man Volleyball for the U.S. Army...
- I know shit about engines, but quite a bit about cars...
- I prefer American cars and Japanese bikes...
- I like any vehicle that's Italian...
- I try to avoid conflict...
- I've been shot, stabbed, hit, and called all kinds of nasty things mostly by people how couldn't speak English...
- I think English should be the Official Language...
- I actually understand Calculus...
- I can do vector math...
- I own several U.S. Savings Bonds...
- I love my country, but I'm none too pleased with the guys in charge...
- I believe there is some truth to psychic phenomenon...
- I don't believe in UFOs...
- I have a tattoo of a shark on my left shoulder...
- The shark is my totem animal...
- I think the Rhinoceros is the animal that best represents my personality...
- My best friend is female...
- My chick friends outnumber my guy friends 2 to 1...
- I am most comfortable in a classroom...
- I even sit in the front row...
- I fear 3 things, none of which is death...
- I would never begrudge a man his religion...
- But, I think Mormons need to lighten up a bit...
- I understand Wicca, but I think it's all bunk...
- I don't believe in fate, karma, or the inner child...
- I've never cheated on anyone...
- I cuss too much...
- I'm not politically correct...
- I'm confident that my intelligence is part of the top 10% of humanity...
- Though I understand their place in the world, I hate stupid people...
- I save movie stubs (I have no idea why)...
- I own 3 stuffed animals (they were all gifts)...
- I know how to fence...
- I collect battle axes...
- The closest thing I've ever seen to a "10" is Shania Twain...
- I don't find Cindy Crawford at all attractive...
- My favorite movies are Aliens, Braveheart, Highlander, and The Empire Strikes Back...
- I really dig mindless action flix...
- I like quite a few chik flix...
- I dig anime too...
- My bottom left incuspid was knocked out by a Turk with a "not-hammer"...
- I've never been knocked unconscious...
- I've never eaten pig intestine...
- I have eaten squid (and I love it)...
- I think the Australian accent is kewl...
- I don't use chapstick...
- I don't think pot should be legalized...
- I don't smoke...
- I'm a connoisseur of good food...
- My favorite dish is Chicken & Rice...
- I've met many of my friends on the internet...
- I used to answer my door with a pistol in my hand...
- I've never hit a person whose back was turned on purpose...
- I've been to 23 countries and 44 states...
- I lived in Germany for almost 2 years...
- My younger brother is one of my best friends...
- All of my friends are people who think for themselves...
- I have dated a chik of every race except persian...
- I dig asians, but prefer at least half white chix...
- I got whuppin's until I was 10 years old...
- I'm a better man because of it...
- I'm a college Senior...
- I'm on full scholarship...
- I am a UNLV Rebel Fencer...
- I have an extensive vocabulary, and respect that quality in others...
- I know pi, the natural number e, and root 2 off the top of my head...
- I can't play a single musical instrument...
- I've been hit with fists, feet, various sticks, a baseball bat, a hammer, a bigass brass lamp and a Nissan Sentra...
- I've never been curb checked...
- I have an extremely high tolerance for pain...
- I've taken the AMA Motorcycle Course...
- I will not ride without a helmet, even if I'm just going around the block...
- I'm involved in Pro-Gun Political Activism...
- I am a Front Sight Firearms Training Institute First Family Member...
- I hate Pepsi Co...
- I have 20/200 vision...
- I've never, ever had a cavity...
- I've only had 2 broken bones (well one of them was my hand, and that's kind of a bunch of bones)...
- All of my scars have a kewl story attached to them...
- I've killed a bear...
- I've never killed a bunny rabbit...
- I donate money to The Juvenile Diabetes Foundation, Nevada Dance Theatre, and The NRA...
- If I ever won a million dollars, I'd give most of it away...
- I think the Nature vs. Nurture debate is a bunch of crap...
- I lived at home until I was 18, moved when I joined the Army...
- I visit about 5 times a week...
- I mostly don't wear jewelry, except my watch...
- I'm an NRA Certified Instructor...
- I've never accidently fired a firearm...
- In my opinion, I've had some of the kewlest jobs on Earth...
- I love kids (I want lots)...
- I want to name my first boy Alexander, and my first girl Jasmine...
- I've jumped out of perfectly good airplanes...
- I think bungee jumping is for the weak...
- I workout practically daily, I also have chocolate, in some form or another, daily...
- Snickers Bars are my favorite...
- I don't eat Oreos...
- I have constant post-concussion headaches, and I will for the rest of my life...
- I get a kick out of knowing how stuff works...
- I know how the sun works...
- I eat over 250 grams of protien a day...
- I don't use Creatine, and I never will...
- I am a Life Member of the North American Hunting Club...
- I would never maliciously kill an animal, but I will hunt them, and eat their flesh...
- I hate money, but I understand it's neccessity...
- I believe money is the root of all evil...
- I believe any animal that must be caged should not be kept as a pet...
- I believe every family should have a dog...
- I have never aquired the taste for alcohol...
- I have aquired the taste for sushi...
- I hate wearing a hat...
- My idea of dress shoes is a good shine on my Hi-Tecs...
- I think Leading, Protecting, and Teaching are the most honorable professions on Earth...
- Unfortunately, they are all highly corruptable...
- I hunt with a 7mm Magnum and a .357 Magnum...
- I've never had or seen a hunting accident...
- I get pulled over about once a week...
- I've only actually been ticketed twice...
- I've never played "Spin the Bottle"...
- I have played "Truth or Dare"...
- I plan things extensively, but rarely follow these plans...
- I go crazy if I don't have a way of finding out the time...
- I believe in love, but I understand it isn't automatic...
- I vividly remember my first kiss...
- I move often...
- I go camping at least once a year, usually much more...
- I prefer jeans to slacks...
- Levi's rock...
- I was inspired to be a physicist by my high school hiking club advisor...
- He was also my physics teacher...
- His name was Mr. Anderson...
- I prefer turn-based to real-time...
- My best time on minesweeper is 149 seconds (on expert)...
- I hate commercial advertising and the culture it spawns...
- I hate fraternities and the yuppies they spawn...
- I hate yuppies...
- I do not own, nor will I in the near future own, a cellular phone...
- I've never seen Titanic...
- I hate the X-Files...
- I have had 5 friends named John...
- I have 5 godchildren, all of whom I love emmensely...
- I know how to build a bomb, but I never have...
- I can run the mile in about 6 minutes...
- I don't believe in Fatalism, Determinism, or Pre-Destination...
- I think Freud was an idiot...
- I relax by reaching 100mph...
- I've never been arrested...
- I am an ordained minister...
- My dad still has all his hair...
- I think the '70s sucked...
- I've never been hired by a place that I sent a resume...
- I wrote a movie script while I was in high school, no one bought it...
- I've never sued anyone...
- I'd kill a man for invading my home, threatening my family, or betraying my country...
- I don't ski...
- I know how to SCUBA Dive, but I'm not too fond of it...
- I'm no fan of boats either...
- I've lived on a farm before, I didn't like it...
- My daily schedule is usually between 11am and 4am, I don't do mornings...
- I don't drink coffee...
- I like Gothic Music...
- I hate Country...
- I believe all scientists should be cross-trained...
- I know Aikido...
- I've saved a human life single-handedly...
- Someone saved my life single-handedly...
- I'm an active member of the Distributed.net rc5 cracking effort...
- I'm a sp0rkhead (team #2686)
- I am facinated by Norse Mythology...
- I hate bugs...
- I think Rhinoceroses are kewl, I collect Rhino figurines...
- I believe humans are at the top of the food chain...
- I believe that's why dogs dig us so much...
- I believe in welfare in large societies, but it is too often abused...
- I believe our constitution is in serious need of revision...
- Unfortunately, I don't trust our Gov't to do it...
- I have a slight Ego Problem (can you blame me)...