The Fairer Of The Species

It's important to know what it is you look for in a mate.

Most important is to figure out what you don't want.
My list is as follows (in order of importance from top to bottom):

  1. History of unfaithfulness
  2. Stupidity
  3. Money Worship
  4. Drugs or alcohol
  5. Jealous personality type
  6. Strict, unbending, or incompatible religious beliefs
  7. History of sex without protection
  8. An unruly number of previous sexual partners
  9. Being in a profession that sells sex
  10. Smoking
  11. Has a child, or is pregnant

The list of all the things I look for in a chik.

These here are pretty important:

These are frivolous (just stuff I dig):

I'd be perfectly satisfied if I met a chik that only fit most of the important list, a couple of the frivolous list, and had no "killits". I'd ditch a couple of fingers to get a chik that fit the whole bill...

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