The Fairer Of The Species
It's important to know what it is you look for in a mate.
Most important is to figure out what you don't want.
My list is as follows (in order of importance from top to bottom):
- History of unfaithfulness
- Stupidity
- Money Worship
- Drugs or alcohol
- Jealous personality type
- Strict, unbending, or incompatible religious beliefs
- History of sex without protection
- An unruly number of previous sexual partners
- Being in a profession that sells sex
- Smoking
- Has a child, or is pregnant
The list of all the things I look for in a chik.
These here are pretty important:
- Honesty (One infraction and see ya)
- Loyalty (one infraction and you better hope I don't see ya, ever again)
- Some degree of Intelligence (the more the better)
- She has to be clean (both inside and out)
- She has to be interesting (this doesn't sound that hard)
- She must have high aspirations (must be at least as high as mine)
- She must have a set of moral values that she actually follows
- She has to really dig me (what good is a relationship if the person thinks you'll do for now)
- She has to understand that I enjoy a lot of time alone
- She has to be able to carry a conversation (this one isn't too hard to find... heh)
- She has to have some interest in at least 2 of my interests
- She has to be ok with my friends (I have quite a few lady friends, live with it)
- She must be relationship oriented
These are frivolous (just stuff I dig):
- outgoing, maybe even a little flirtatious (I am, so it stands to reason)
- wears glasses (I REALLY like glasses)
- wears full length dresses and lots of jeans (I hate chix that dress whory)
- likes my bike (I spend half my day on the damn thing)
- understands "guy days" (no surprises here)
- can at least stand my music (I'll try to tolerate her stuff too)
- gives killer back rubs (I need these)
- actually enjoys working out or exercising in some way
- preferably on the tall side (5'7" to 5'9")
- preferably on the lean side (115lbs to 130lbs)
- digs chix (I kinda dig girls that can appreciate the beauty in other women)
- red hair (redheads make my libido do flippity flops)
I'd be perfectly satisfied if I met a chik that only fit most of the important list, a couple of the frivolous list, and had no "killits". I'd ditch a couple of fingers to get a chik that fit the whole bill...